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Cooking with your OFO is an awesome experience. You will enjoy its fabulous flavours that can be achieved by following our comprehensive recipe book, or by testing your own succulent choices! You can play with your tastes by adding smoking chips or even soil to the base of your cooker to get an authentic hangi taste.
We recommend encasing your meats, and veges in cabbage or banana leaves to encourage the natural flavour from them also. All you need to do is add 2.5L of water to the base of you OFO, lower in your food laden baskets, place the lid on and steam away for 2.5 hours. Watch the meat fall off the bone and your family and friends congratulate such a fine chef!

Should your tastebuds desire a fresh mussel or two - steam them in your OFO confidently! Once they are open, they smoke beautifully in the OFO with some blue cheese scattered over them. Don't forget to add some smoking chips/dust to the base of your cooker for the smoking flavour.

Your OFO can be used for smoking your meats and other seafood too. Here all you need is your preferred flavour of smoking chips/dust sprinkled into the base of the cooker, lower your seasoned meat or fish, replace the lid and leave it to smoke for 20-25 minutes. Again, nothing but impressive as the flesh tastes simply delicious.

One of the best features of your OFO is its ability to be easily transported to your destination. Take it along to your camping site, sports day, marae, family dinner, bach, boat club - wherever you can think of! Just think - no digging holes, no permits, healthy, easy cooking for large or smaller numbers, and nothing to do but prepare and wait - don't forget too - limited dishes to be done afterwards! Just kick back and enjoy the rest of your day!

Remember - you can flip your OFO over to create a BBQ. Say no more on this - everyone LOVES a beautifully seared steak!

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